Back by popular demand, the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce is again shining a much-deserved spotlight on its world-class eclectic businesses by holding its coveted Business Awards. 

This year it will again take a leaf from The Logies and be voted by the public, giving praise to local businesses who continue to resiliently endure on-going tough economic conditions.

Nominations are now closed.


West Australians will have the opportunity to vote across 15 prestigious broad-ranging categories, including for their favourite Fremantle entertainment venue, accommodation, cafe or restaurant, sustainable enterprise, community organisation and more.

Important - There is a two stage voting process. Please note that should a business become a finalist, vote numbers carry over from the nomination period. 

Finalists Voting

City of Fremantle Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge said giving the community the chance to again vote for their favourite business was exactly the Fremantle thing to do.

“Last year we saw some big names and favourite places nominated and the winners were ‘very Freo’.

“We are proud to be a major sponsor of the event again this year and we hope the public continues to use this chance to give the businesses that they love a boost. We know that running a business can be relentless and exhausting – so recognition like this is truly meaningful,” she said.

“Our iconic port precinct is a smorgasbord of soul, which is what makes it so hard to declare the cream of our Freo crop, however, we are going to do it anyway, because you deserve to know who’s most popular in WA’s most beloved precinct,” said Fremantle Chamber of Commerce CEO, Ms Chrissie Maus.

“And who better to vote for the crown jewels of our Fremantle cultural scene than the very people who enjoy it most – you! What better way to hero new and longstanding much-loved businesses,” said Maus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Stage #1 - Nominations

  • Nominations OPEN: 12 noon Monday 12 August 2024

    Nominations CLOSE: 12 noon Wednesday 11 September 2024

  • No, nominations are open to all businesses in the Greater Fremantle Area. This includes Cockburn, O’Connor, Hamilton Hill, Melville, White Gum Valley, Beaconsfield, North Coogee, Spearwood & Henderson.

    Please refer to the area map to cross check if the business is within the designated area.

  • Yes, you are allowed to nominate a business in as many categories as you like.

    Nominations are limited to one business, in each category, per email address.

  • There is no entry fee for the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce (FCC) Business Awards. Most awards have an entry cost (sometimes as much as $1200+), however, the FCC wanted all businesses to have the opportunity to be nominated, become finalists, and potentially win.

  • All categories were devised to make sure all business types and traders could at least fit into one of the 15 prestigious categories.

  • No, businesses that are not bricks & mortar (or not public facing) will still have as much opportunity to share the message. They can use their online and client channels to drive nomination and finalist votes.

  • Yes, just for nominating a business, you could win $150 cash to spend in Fremantle (Eftpos card).

    One person will be awarded the incentive prize just for nominating their favourite business. This winner will be chosen via a random digital draw from all the public nomination submissions.

  • Absolutely, to both. The more nominations, the better your chance to become a finalist. Nominations are limited to one business, in each category, per email address.

Stage #2 - Finalist Voting

  • Finalist Voting OPENS: 12 noon Monday 16 September 2024

    Finalist Voting CLOSES: 12 noon Friday 4 October 2024

  • During the voting stage, you are only allowed one vote per email address (per category).

  • Nope, but if you're not an FCC member yet, why not?
    Come hang out with the cool kids.

  • Yes, just for nominating a business, you could win $150 cash to spend in Fremantle (Eftpos card).

    One person will be awarded the incentive prize just for nominating their favourite business. This winner will be chosen via a random digital draw from all the public nomination submissions.

  • Easy, make sure you email all your customers this link and ask them to vote for you:

    Also email to be delivered VOTE NOW marketing posters to place on your windows, around your store, or staff notice board.

  • Thursday 10 October 2024 at the Gala Awards night.
    In 2024 the FCC returns to where The Awards were born and back to where it was best!

    With a rich history dating back to 1850 The Esplanade Hotel Fremantle is an iconic landmark in Western Australia and the perfect home for the awards.

  • No, this is voted by the public so even the smallest business could win just by getting all of their customers and social media followers behind them and voting.

  • No, you will be given the option if you wish to receive future marketing and events email correspondence from the FCC.

  • No, to keep the process nice and simple we have made this optional. Of course, we would love for you to take the time as many of our Fremantle businesses deserve praise. The nomination process should take under 60 seconds.

  • The Fremantle Chamber of Commerce [FCC] will count the digital nominations in each category and a certain percentage of the nominations will become finalists. The more nominations, the better chance of becoming a finalist.

  • Nominations will be kept anonymous from the public. The kind words you say about the business on the nomination form will be used, but your name will be kept anonymous.

  • Easy, make sure you email all your customers and staff the below link and ask them to nominate your business in as many categories as they like.

    Also email to be delivered marketing material [A2 posters] to place on your business window, point of sale, or your staff pin-up/notice board.

  • No, you will be given the option to unsubscribe from receiving future marketing and events emails from us.

  • Finalists will be announced online at 12 noon on Monday 16 September, 2024

  • You can nominate businesses in this category that have been in operation for 10 or more years.

  • Easy, the finalist with the most votes (via in each category wins.

  • This year’s awards ceremony will be a prestigious Gala Dinner at the respected Esplanade Hotel by Rydges in Fremantle, on Thursday 10 October 2024, 6:30pm.

    Yes, there is a cost involved. Tickets are available for purchase at

    Limited places are available. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony.

    If a finalist can’t attend, we ask they send a proxy in their place to represent their business.

  • Please contact the FCC CEO Chrissie Maus or you can call the FCC office (08) 9335 2711.