Focused on delivering projects and providing a voice.
Fremantle Chamber of Commerce Industry Sector Committees
The Fremantle Chamber of Commerce Committees represent a diverse group of sector leaders who are focused on delivering projects and providing a voice for Fremantle business. The Committees represent a way for members to get more actively involved in the daily activities of the Chamber, provide a consultative voice to government and actively create stronger networks across different parts of Fremantle business.
To ensure we effectively reflect the voice of the Fremantle Community, we engage through a Board and Committee structure aligned to our revised Strategic Plan 2023_25.
Development & Infrastructure Reference Group
Reference group directed by Chrissie Maus - FCC, CEO and Pete Adams FCC Director.
Click below to register your interest in the new look FCC D&I Reference Group.
To join as a potential contributing member, please email FCC CEO Chrissie Maus to find out more.
Tourism Committee
Chaired by Chrissie Maus - CEO Fremantle Chamber of Commerce
Vice Chair - Natasha Atkinson, Fremantle Markets
Click below to register your interest in the new look FCC Tourism Committee. To join as a potential contributing member, please take 5 minutes to read the Committee overview and complete the below form:
Tourism Committee Members
Natasha Atkinson - Fremantle Markets
Gill Harrison - WA Maritime Museum
Mel Jacobs - Little Creatures
Jacqueline Comb - Esplanade Hotel Fremantle By Rydges
Paige Myles - Sealink
Amberlee Hong - Fremantle Prison
Tony Riggio - Stageworks
Aimee Sabbatino - City of Fremantle
Hannah Fick - KINN & Co.
Reinie de Vos van Steenwijk - Gage Roads