Make it stand out
150 Years of brave advocacy
Chamber CEO Chrissie Maus defends South Terrace.
Chrissie Maus spoke with Nadia Mitsopoulos on Mornings on ABC Radio Perth about the recent reports claiming that Fremantle’s South Terrace has the worst vacancy rate of WA’s most well known retail strips. Listen here.
Shanahan shaping Fremantle’s view for 20 years.
Captivated by the charm of Fremantle during a gap year in 1989, local Optometrist David relocated to the vibrant city of Fremantle in 2003 from Ireland, fulfilling his aspiration of establishing his own practice at the heart of our beloved town.
Chamber still a force for change after 150 years
It’s been 150 years since a group of men met at the Orient Hotel in Fremantle and resolved to form a Chamber of Commerce.
Fremantle Chamber of Commerce: Socials from 150th merry milestone end of year party at Harbourside Freo
Dressed to impress in a touch of gold and red, company directors, chief executive, staff, members and stakeholders enjoyed three hours of unlimited beverages over a tapas dinner at Harbourside Freo.
Celebrating 150 years of brave advocacy for business since 1873
The Chamber has nurtured business through wars, depression, goldrushes, the establishment of the harbour, the convict era, the excitement of the Americas Cup and even the challenges of the recent pandemic. Our most important asset is our community – drawing together people of diverse backgrounds and cultures against the backdrop of our gorgeous heritage city.
Fremantle Chamber of Commerce Marks 150 Years
When 150 years ago, William Dalgety Moore and a group of business- men in high hats and three-piece suits got to- gether to form the cham- ber, they were just around the corner from the his- toric building where the FCC is now based in Pa- kenham Street.
Fremantle Chamber of Commerce 2023 Business Awards winners
Among the 15 businesses to win category awards was Fremantle Chiropractic, which took out the Hall of Fame award for businesses running for more than ten years.
Full list of finalists for the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce 2023 business awards
For the first time, finalists in all 15 award categories ranging from retail and best bar to sustainable enterprise and property development were determined by more than 3000 public nominations.
Freo’s business Logies gives power to the people
The Fremantle Chamber of Commerce has taken a leaf from The Logies and put it’s celebrated business awards in the hands of the voting public.
Leaders query lack of diversity as resources rule the roost
WA is at growing risk of missing opportunities because of the dazzling run of the resources sector, leaders have warned. The Fremantle Chamber of Commerce had a seat at a CEO Voice boardroom lunch hosted by the West Australian and AIM WA in March 2023